Virginia Attorneys for Bankruptcy
Kane & Papa is based in Richmond, Virginia, conveniently located just a few blocks from the Bankruptcy Court. Our combined 30+ years of experience includes representation of virtually every type of bankruptcy case. At Kane & Papa each member of our team is highly trained and prepared to handle any client need.
Because you are researching a bankruptcy lawyer, you or someone close to you is experiencing financial difficulty. Whether it is the result of a lost job or failed business, a divorce, an unexpected medical expense, back taxes, or a divorce, you are looking for answers and a fresh start. You have come to the right place.
First and foremost, you should not feel ashamed or embarrassed. Given the current state of the economy, many individuals and families are experiencing similar difficulties and have taken advantage of the many benefits bankruptcy has to offer. Bankruptcy is not a sign of failure; it is your right under the United States Constitutional and under Federal Law, and it is integral part of our nation’s economic system. Just like Sears, Toys R Us, General Motors Corporation, Delta Airlines, Circuit City, and Washington Mutual Bank, you have to put your personal emotions aside and view your finances as business. Like a business, you need to do that which is necessary for you and your family. We understand that sometimes this is not an easy decision. An experienced bankruptcy lawyer like those at Kane & Papa is essential in helping you work through these issues.
The lawyers at Kane & Papa know exactly how to protect your home and car, prevent your wages from being garnishment, and to stop harassing collection calls. With over 30 years of combined experience in helping thousands of Virginians file bankruptcy, Kane & Papa is ready to help you get a fresh start and begin repairing your credit.
The most important thing you need to remember is to not wait until it is too late for help. There are important rights that you lose by waiting, most of which cannot be recovered through bankruptcy.
Kane & Papa’s Attorneys are Bankruptcy Specialists
- Filing for bankruptcy is an extremely emotional, complicated and time consuming process.
- At Kane & Papa you will receive a FREE consultation with our skilled, experienced bankruptcy attorneys just by making an appointment.
- If you choose to file, we’ll complete and electronically file all of the paperwork and appear in Court with you.
- Kane & Papa are bankruptcy specialists – Since 1989 the attorneys at Kane & Papa have helped thousands Virginians regain their financial health.
As a federally designated Debt Relief Agency, we can provide legal assistance to obtain relief under the United States Bankruptcy Code.

Kane & Papa, P.C. tailors its services to respond to a client’s particular needs. We understand that clients place high value on clear communication, practical advice and cost-effective outcomes. To achieve these objectives, we typically place responsibility for a client with a primary attorney who oversees communication with the client and coordinates other lawyers who bring their specialized skill and experience to the assignment. We encourage frequent client contact and full client participation in decision making, seeking to ensure that our activities are driven toward outcomes that meet the client’s stated needs.