19 06, 2023

Happy Juneteenth


WHAT IS JUNETEENTH? Juneteenth, a combination of the words June and 19th, is also known as Emancipation Day. It commemorates the day in 1865, after the Confederate states surrendered to end the Civil War when a Union general arrived in Texas to inform a group of enslaved African Americans of their freedom under President Abraham Lincoln's 1863 Emancipation Proclamation. In 1980, Texas officially declared it a holiday. This year, at least 28 states and the District of Columbia will legally recognize Juneteenth and give state workers a paid day off, according to the Pew Research Center. Although in part a [...]

Happy Juneteenth2023-06-19T15:41:24+00:00
9 06, 2023

Pride Month


Pride Month Over the years, gay pride events have spread from large cities to smaller towns and villages worldwide—even in places where repression and violence against gays and lesbians are commonplace. The atmosphere at these events can range from raucous, carnivalesque celebrations to strident political protest to solemn memorials for those lost to AIDS or homophobic violence. In June 2000, President Bill Clinton officially designated June as Gay and Lesbian Pride Month, in recognition of the Stonewall Riots and gay activism throughout the years. A more-inclusive name was chosen in 2009 by President Barack Obama: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender [...]

Pride Month2023-06-08T20:37:31+00:00
26 05, 2023

Happy Memorial Day Weekend


Happy Memorial Day! As this weekend approaches, may we reflect on those that served and continue to serve our country for our freedom. Thank you to all our heroes, the brave, that make the USA the land we all love!

Happy Memorial Day Weekend2023-05-26T16:45:01+00:00
16 04, 2023

Stress Awareness Day


Stress Awareness Day Debt has long been a problem for many Americans, but the unprecedented problems of the past three years have spread the misery to tens of millions more. The COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath created enormous upheaval in our lives: our health, jobs, and financial security, among other areas. More recently, soaring inflation, spiraling gas prices, and even baby formula shortages have piled woe upon crisis upon uncertainty. And it’s not just the lack of money causing problems. A shortage of money led to a massive increase in denial, stress, anger, depression, and anxiety. The emotional strain [...]

Stress Awareness Day2023-04-11T18:47:17+00:00
9 03, 2023

Women’s History Month


The 2023 National Women’s History Theme “Celebrating Women Who Tell Our Stories” The National Women’s History Alliance, which spearheaded the movement for March being declared National Women’s History Month, has announced the women’s history theme for 2023, “Celebrating Women Who Tell Our Stories.” Throughout 2023, the NWHA will encourage recognition of women, past and present, who have been active in all forms of media and storytelling including print, radio, TV, stage, screen, blogs, podcasts, and more. The timely theme honors women in every community who have devoted their lives and talents to producing art, pursuing truth, and reflecting the [...]

Women’s History Month2023-03-09T18:11:56+00:00
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